Thursday 16 August 2012


In the near future, machine tools will be more improved in the form of a knowledge-evolution based intelligent device. The final goal of this study is to develop an intelligent machine tools having knowledge-evolution capability in Machine to Machine (M2M) wired & wireless environment. The knowledge-evolution based intelligent machine tools is expected to gather knowledge autonomously by producing knowledge, understanding knowledge, reasoning knowledge, making a new decision, dialoguing with other machines, etc. The concept of the knowledge-evolution intelligent machine is originated from the machine control being operated by sense, dialogue and decision of human-expert. With intent to develop the knowledge-evolution based machine tools, the structure of knowledge-evolution in M2M and the scheme for a dialogue agent among agent-based modules such as a sensory agent, a dialogue agent and an expert system (decision support agent) are presented in this paper. And work-offset compensation from thermal change and recommendation of cutting condition are on-line performed for knowledge-evolution verification.

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